Monday, August 19, 2013

An Open Letter to the Individual Parts of My 48-Year-Old Face

To my "dirty dishwater blonde" hair, 
Thank you for staying with me this long. Only a few of you have given in to the grey-er side. My friends tell me that you’re a cost-effective blessing.

To my wrinkled brow, 
I wouldn’t look like me without you.

To my disappearing eyebrows, 
Any idea how soon I can expect to be drawing you in?

To my circles under my eyes, 
I think you make me look older than I am and tired-er than I feel. Then I remember the sleepless nights with three babies, including a set of twins and one who just wanted to be held. And I remember the tears as we buried Daddy then Mama then Granny then Nana then Mok. And I remember the stress from Chuck’s 3 shoulder surgeries and Emma’s 3 jaw surgeries and Aunt Betty’s 3 week-long hospitalizations and follow-up trips to rehab in one year. Then I think, yup, you are just about the right shade of purple.

To my pug nose, 
Why, you’re just as cute as you’ve ever been!

To the 2 acne scars on the same place on either side of my face, 
Did I literally turn the other cheek?

To my large teeth, 
Sweet tea and Diet Coke--not age--have yellowed you, and that is all my fault. However, without those 2 vices in my life, I probably would have ground you to dust by now.

To the 2 little hairs that grow on the right side of my chin, 
I play with you when you need plucking, and that reminds me of Mama and the way she played with her 2 little hairs in the same place with her thumb, too.

To my mistreated skin, 
Oh, how I abused you as a teenager, and you have not paid me back with too many wrinkles and dark spots yet. Please forgive me for not sunscreening. I don’t know why I thought a sunburned face and flaky skin was so darn cute.

To my flabby neck, 
I hate your stinkin’ guts. I will have you surgically tightened and toned just as soon as financially possible. I hope to goodness that you are not in my children’s wedding pictures. 

My head shot as a contestant in the 1972 Little Miss Dothan Pageant.
My head shot as a contestant in the 2013 Mother Who Thinks She Is Funny, But She Is So Not Funny Pageant.


  1. You are toooo funny. Thanks for the entertainment. You are truly talented and I don't think your teeth are big at all.

  2. I love comments. Even if they are passive aggressive. Especially if they are passive aggressive.
