Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Perfect Pedicure, Mon

Briana gives pedicures. She talks all the time about pedicures. She points out how much you need a pedicure and hounds you until you sit still and let her paint your toenails. She does a great job. She is diligent and tedious in her chosen art.

In the summer of 2012, our church youth group took its biennial trip to Ocho Rios, Jamaica, to lead VBS for several local churches. In the mornings, we worked hard crafting about the Bible story and singing about Jesus and loving on delightfully accented children and sweating. In the evenings, we had a group Bible study and prepared for the following day and tried to get to bed at a decent hour. In the afternoons, we played. We went to market one afternoon and climbed a waterfall on another. Most afternoons, we stayed at our beachfront condo and swam or sunned or snorkeled.

In anticipation of this priceless time, I ran by Walgreen’s before I left Dothan to buy some new fingernail polish. I planned to surrender to Briana’s pleadings and get her to paint my toenails as I rested by the pool. I pondered over the perfect color and purchased a shade of orange that was fun and summery, yet mature. Walgreen’s was having a sale: buy 2, get one free. I picked up a hot pink and a glittery silver to give to Briana as payment for my pedicure.

On Monday afternoon, after VBS and lunch and probably a little nap, I met Briana at the pool.

“Which color do you want me to use?”
“The orange one.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! I chose it especially for this moment in time. It is sophisticated and whimsical, like I am.”
“I think you want the pink.”
"I don't want the pink."
"Yes, you do."

I took a deep breath. It’s only toes.

“I meant to say that I want the pink.”
“I thought so.”

I leaned back in my plastic lounge chair and closed my eyes. I felt the sun on my face and smelled the breeze from the sea. I heard our FBC kids laugh and play in the pool. Briana petted me for about a half an hour. In Jamaica. I was as happy as I’ve ever been in my life.

“Okay. I’m done.”

I looked up to inspect her work. Eight of my toenails were hot pink. The middle toe on each foot was shiny silver. I looked like The Rainbow Fish.

I squealed and giggled like a school girl. The toenail artist had worked her magic.

Later in the summer, my girls and I visited my aunt in the nursing home. She has had a stroke and does not talk much. It is difficult—even for a talker—to keep up a one-sided conversation for very long. Grasping for something to say, I looked down at my toenails. My aunt has always liked pretty nails, so I showed them to her and told her my story. She laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.

I don’t think there is a moral or a lesson to this story. I’m not even sure there’s a point or a punch line. But when I need to think of a happy place or just need a chuckle, I can close my eyes and picture those sparkly silver toenails and hear the master say, “I think you want the pink.”


  1. Great story! I can't wait for more!!

  2. Here’s one of my favorite (worst?) VBS stories. When I was in high school, our church (Grandview Baptist) took the youth on two trips to Montana to teach VBS and lead a revival at a tiny church. The adults assigned us youth up in groups of three and dropped us off at various locations to teach backyard VBS while they went back to the little church to prepare for the nightly revival service. One year the two friends in my little group were my best friend, Selina, and a boy named Alan. Our “backyard” was a bleak lot on a very bleak Indian reservation. Aided with our giant VBS storyboard, we spent the week telling stories of Jesus, and of course, handed out cookies and Kool-Aid at the end of each class. We thought we were doing a fantastic job….until the end of the very last day…..when we discovered that the whole time we’d been telling stories about this wonderful Jesus, our little class thought we were talking about Alan. They thought Alan was Jesus.

    The thing I miss most about old-time VBS from my childhood is the annual VBS parade. At our church, the kids would pile into the cars of a few moms and we’d drive around the neighborhoods with the moms blowing the car horns and the kids hanging out the windows, throwing penny candy, and yelling “Come to Vacation Bible School!!!” I loved those parades.

    P.S. Alan is now the Music Minister at Grandview and I’m now Catholic. Did you know that Catholic churches use the exact same VBS materials as Baptist churches?

    Beth Wages Johnson

    1. HAHAHAHA! I hope those sweet babies aren't still singing Alan's praises to their children.

      I have never participated in a VBS parade. I thought my life was complete until now.

      P.S. I did not know that. Do they use Lifeway?

  3. I have a new fall OPI color and it's a deep purple, I my age! It's really pretty! After reading your story I looked at my toes trying to imagine the third toe in silver!

  4. Celeste...
    I am sporting a new toe color. In Auburn for last week's football game and realized my pedicure would not make the cut for the high fashion standards of Jordan Hare. So..went to "Nail Love" next to the Winn Dixie and chose an Auburn navy blue! I've never chosen a dark color before (didn't seem ladylike) but I love it! Maybe I'll add orange dots've inspired me with your silver accents!
