Saturday, October 5, 2013

Breaking Baptist

A couple of years ago, during the week of Vacation Bible School, our youth minister took the teenagers and college kids who volunteered in VBS that morning out for pizza. I invited myself to join them. I was sitting at the table eavesdropping on their conversations when Bradley (about 13 years old at the time) began to grumble about a couple of stinkers in the 1st grade group where he was helping. Clark (20ish) perked up and hollered at Bradley, "You can't say anything! You were terrible!" My eyes bugged at this. I pointed my finger at Clark, "Who are YOU to get on to HIM about behavior at church?!?!"

I couldn't help but think if Pat Ross or another friend of my mama's had been sitting there that she would have started in on me.

Fortunately, neither my mama nor her friends had access to video equipment. Unfortunately for my son and his friend, I do.

Phillip and Jackson sang “Nuttin’ For Christmas” at the Friends and Family Sing in 2003, when they were 5.

Jackson excelled at harassing his brothers, Christian and Collin, while Phillip shined at pestering his sisters, Abby and Emma. So, they sang a little song about it. 

However, the reason they they were gettin’ nuttin’ that particular Christmas was directly related to their behavior during their children’s choir performance one year earlier.  

They were never allowed to stand near each other in a choir performance again. I doubt First Baptist Church has belly-laughed in Big Church that loudly since. 

Currently in 2014, they are 16 years old and seem to be turning out better than you'd expect. 




  1. This is hilarious!!! I remember it. I have laughed my head off...again!

  2. I remember all of these! Absolutely precious!
